Sight Unseen

Sidekicks have long been a staple of detective fiction, but typically, the job requires physical presence. Remote positions in the sleuthing world have been rare, with Dr. Watson serving as a notable exception. However, “Sight Unseen” challenges this convention.

The central premise of this predominantly Canadian production revolves around technology. Tess Avery, a skilled homicide investigator in Vancouver, faces a rapid deterioration in her eyesight, jeopardizing her ability to perform her duties effectively. Unable to identify her target during a crucial moment, Tess contemplates leaving the force. However, an innovative solution presents itself: Sunny Patel, an expert from New York employed by Eyes Up, offers Tess assistance through a combination of advanced micro-camera technology and real-time guidance via earpiece, akin to a Seeing Eye dog.

While numerous assistive technologies exist for the visually impaired, “Sight Unseen” ventures into new territory by exploring the human element inherent in this unconventional partnership. Tess’s journey raises complex moral and strategic questions, placing her in precarious situations. From technical glitches to personal conflicts, the series navigates a myriad of challenges as Tess grapples with her condition and her evolving role in investigations.

The show’s success hinges on its execution of this high-concept premise. While the initial episodes lay the groundwork for Tess’s return to investigative work, questions linger about the sustainability of her deception regarding her vision loss. Despite a rushed premiere episode, subsequent installments show promise, offering a more measured pace and allowing the characters room to develop.

In essence, “Sight Unseen” presents an engaging detective drama, distinguished by its Canadian setting and innovative premise. It offers something for fans of police procedurals while standing out in a crowded genre landscape. With a talented cast and compelling storytelling, the series holds the potential for a captivating first season.