History of Evil 2024 Movie

Bo Mirhosseni’s dystopian horror drama begins with an onscreen text explaining how the United States transformed into the North American Federation in 2045, a fascist regime enforced by roaming militia invoking God and country. While there may have been deliberation among the filmmakers regarding the distant future date, the portrayal of the US in “History of Evil” feels eerily imminent. The film’s opening scene depicts a child being transported in a van through a checkpoint, her ankle tagged with a tracking device, scrutinized by armed guards. Though undeniably horrific, the standards for dystopian fiction in 2024 have shifted, considering the nation’s recent history of cramming migrant children into freezing, overcrowded cages to sleep on concrete floors just five years prior.

The focal point is Daria (played by Murphee Bloom), the daughter of Alegre (Jackie Cruz), a dissenting author on the run with her husband Ron (Paul Wesley), who can pass as a devout patriot. Seeking refuge, the family settles in a quaint colonial-era house, yet the idyllic facade belies a sinister past that ensnares Ron. The gravest peril may lie within their own walls.

The amalgamation of Hunger Games-style world-building with a narrative reminiscent of Stephen King’s works holds promise. As Ron engages in fireside discussions with a cryptic elder cautioning against emasculation by one’s spouse, echoes of “The Shining” emerge, hinting at an impending confrontation. Regrettably, the convergence of dystopian thriller and haunted house horror falls short; the film meanders instead of accelerating, failing to fully immerse itself in either genre.